
GDA design & architecture, inc. is a Corporation registered with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Clients’ needs will be addressed through minimum required basic services and through flexible packages with optional tasks and deliverables that can be chosen from lists developed and tailored to address each individual project’s needs.  The minimum level of basic services will be outlined together with the individually tailored lists.  This ability to provide flexible optional packages within both Basic and Special Services empowers our clients to become fully involved with the definition of their engagement level in their working relationship with GDA. 

GDA design & architecture, inc. will consider projects in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and in the vicinities of neighboring states, such as: Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Vermont.

The following project types will be considered when their scope and size falls within projected construction cost budgets between $200K and $5M:

  • New homes;
  • Residential additions;
  • Residential renovations;
  • Residential additions and renovations;
  • New institutional buildings;
  • Institutional additions;
  • Institutional renovations;
  • Institutional additions and renovations;

Basic Services

  1. Programming;
  2. Schematic Design;
  3. Design Development;
  4. Construction Documents;
  5. Bidding and Negotiation;
  6. Construction Administration;

Special Services

  1. Landscape Design;
  2. Acoustical Design;
  3. Lighting Design;
  4. Interior Design;
  5. Furniture Design and Plans;
  6. Equipment and Fixtures Selection;

Please, feel free to contact us if you need any clarifications, and more details about the specific outline of any of the Basic and/or Special Services above.

All basic services are necessary at a minimum required level for the successful outcome of every project, while Special Services are all optional.

However, GDA design & architecture, inc. offers the first Basic service 1. Programming as a pre-contractual design service, independently from all other Basic Services.

During this initial exploratory phase, the preparation of a “Low Commitment Initial Consultation (LCIC)” or “Needs and Options Review (NOR)” report/study, will allow to gain a better understanding of the project scope and its feasibility from a scheduling and budgetary point of view, before making a commitment to contracting the rest of the Basic Services for the development of Final Construction Documents for the completion of the project.

If you are interested in getting a good idea of how we structure our processes both during the discovery Phase and during the Final Design and Final Service Phase of a Project, click on either one of these images and you will be taken to our Contact page where you can request your own copy of Discovery phase Workplan Samples and/or of Final Services Workplan Samples.

These Samples are from real projects either built or in Design, their street numbers

associated itemized fees have been omitted for privacy. Fees are always different from project to project – but these samples show you the transparency of our approach with itemized lists, which in both phases offer optional services that can be chosen to be included or not. GDA, usually, assists Clients with understanding the implication of choosing or not optional services.

This sample illustrates also how, from the very beginning of each phase, you are invited to become an active participant in the process, not only from a design point of view, but also from a Project management and Fee Structure point of view.

Please, feel free to contact us if you need any clarifications about our “LCIC” or “NOR” report/study, or feel free to request your free copy.